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Alcoholic Beverage Retail Audit

Parent page lab and sens
Group 8419

Alcoholic Beverage Retail Audit


Real-time intelligence for pack and product within brick and mortar retail.

Project Background

Following a new partnership with one of the world’s largest alcoholic beverage manufacturers, we were asked to design and implement an ongoing quality monitoring and tracking program for the global performance of their product and packaging.

Parent page lab and sens
Group 8419
Parent page lab and sens
Group 8419

Client Objectives

Historically, they gathered basic in-store data which was assessed against their own internal quality standards. Having reviewed their previous process, it was clear that there was an opportunity to improve and we were tasked with maximising the value of collected data and deliver timely and actionable insights and metrics that could be disseminated across their business.

Our Solution

We implemented a quarterly monitoring and tracking program across global retail, leveraging our local network of trained auditors to collect quality data against a number of quality checks. We applied our leading quality indicators and key metrics to the data, unlocking insights in each cycle but also across cycles. A customised user-friendly online portal enabled access for local and international quality teams for fast and accurate insights.

Parent page lab and sens
Group 8419


Group 8178

How did this service help our client?

Our superior data collection and reporting capabilities delivered fast and accurate insights, flagging any serious quality issues to be adressed. We worked with the client to nominate key leading quality indicators that would be most relevant for each product category. Data and insights was made available through a user friendly online dashboard that drove engagement and further interrogation. In addition, we leveraged the collective pool of regional and global data to draw further insights.

Benefits to our Retail Audit service…

Insight into how your products and/or competitors are performing today

Understand the impact of real-world conditions upon your pack and product performance

Audits and assessments tailored to your technical quality standards

Rich visual data of the real-world location and presentation of your products

Real-time insights via powerful customised dashboards and reporting

Identify leading quality indicators for proactive monitoring

Case Studies

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